How we got started

InovaLab came out as a result of a long-standing scientific research activities mostly part of different innovation projects aimed to develop, innovate and apply analytical procedures for assessing food authenticity, revealing forgeries, or frauds in the food market by combining information of chemical composition, botanical and geographical origin, in accordance with internationally recognized standards and achievements of the modern theory and practice of analytical chemistry and food chemistry.

By the decision of the Commission for Accreditation of the Accreditation Body of Serbia on 23. October 2018, InovaLab received the accreditation certificate in accordance with the requirements of SRPS ISO / IEC 17025:2006 standard.

On 26. May 2021, according to the new decree of the Commision for Accreditation, InovaLab transitioned to the new SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard: accreditation certificate.

Long-term goals, vision and mission of InovaLab

The long-term goals of InovaLab are derived from its scientific and innovative activities. Following the cutting-edge research and practice in the field of food authenticity, and development of novel analytical methods, procedures and applications by the most relevant research laboratories worldwide, InovaLab's long-term goals are to develop new and improve existing analytical methods, techniques and equipment, in Serbia. Using the extensive experience in scientific-research and innovation work in the field of analytical chemistry, including food analysis, skills and knowledge of various analytical and statistical methods, availability of the latest scientific and professional literature, as well as significant international cooperation with experts in the field of food analysis, the goal of the InovaLab is to become the leading national food testing laboratory for food authentication, but also to be recognized in the region.

Vision of the InovaLab is to develop new methods for assessing food authenticity, to share its scientific, innovative and educational experience with colleagues at national, but also European and world wide level, to become recognizable as a reliable partner that promotes the highest standards of quality of work and services in the domain of their food authenticity testing.

Mission of InovaLab is to research, develop, innovate and apply analytical procedures for the assessment of food authenticity in order to determine its composition, botanical and geographical origin in accordance with internationally recognized standards and achievements of modern theory and practice of analytical and food chemistry. Thanks to highly trained staff, sophisticated equipment, scientific research and innovative approach to food analysis, InovaLab is dedicated to providing the high-quality standards and stability of services to its clients.

Quality policy

InovaLab, as a separate functional unit of the Innovative Center of the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade, which is engaged in the application and development of analytical procedures for the assessment of food authenticity in order to determine its composition, botanical and geographical origin, is permanently determined to maintain high standards and quality in all its activities, and constantly enhances its reputation.

Such dedication the InovaLab achieves by implementing the defined Quality Policy.


In accordance with the provisions of item 4.2.2. Standards SRPS ISO / IEC 17025:2006. I undertake all the measures to ensure the implementation and improvement of quality and quality objectives in the InovaLab, and to be attached to them, which will be objectified in the following:

  • InovaLab, as its general and strategic objective, will endeavor to establish a management system in accordance with the requirements of SRPS ISO / IEC 17025: 2006 in order to continuously improve and maintain the given quality level of methods and procedures applied in the analytical tests,
  • that InovaLab will implement the established management system, and that in testing the samples will strictly adhere to the rules of good laboratory practice,
  • that the sample testing will always be carried out in accordance with the methods specified in the scope of the accreditation and the requirements of the clients,
  • that InovaLab staff will be familiar with the documentation of the management system,
  • that InovaLab staff will be strictly applying the policies, objectives and procedures of the management system,
  • that the Laboratory's management will apply the provisions and meet the requirements of the standard SRPS ISO / IEC 17025: 2006 in its work,
  • that the management and all employees will strive to constantly improve the system of management,
  • that the management and staff of InovaLab will endeavor to continuously improve the quality of their services,
  • that all employees will comply with the highest professional standards and ethical requirements in work and customer relations.

As Executive Manager, I will support all activities for improving the quality of work and business of InovaLab, as well as the establishment and improvement of the management system in the Laboratory in such a way that, according to the existing possibilities, I will provide all the necessary resources with the commitment of the total staff.

The executive manager of InovaLab
Professor Dušanka Milojković Opsenica, PhD


InovaLab operates as an independent functional unit within the Innovative Center of the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade.

[Organization scheme of InovaLab]


InovaLab gathers personnel of the highest academic background who work as teachers and associates of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry and the Innovative Center of the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade. Out of fifteen team members, nine of them hold PhD degree in chemistry, and six of them are Masters of Chemistry. All team members, regardless to their job position and work in the InovaLab, perform tasks in the areas of research, teaching and innovative activities at the Faculty.

Leading personnel of InovaLab
Prof. Dušanka Milojković-Opsenica, PhD Executive Manager
Prof. Jelena Trifković, PhD Quality Manager, Deputy of the Executive Manager
Aleksandra Dramićanin, PhD Head of Laboratory
Ivanka Ćirić, PhD Deputy of the Head of Laboratory and Deputy of the Quality Manager
Lab staff
Milica Sredojević, PhD
Aleksandra Radoičić, PhD
Đurđa Krstić, PhD
Sandra Šegan, PhD
Mirjana Vojić, MSc
Aleksandra Pavlović, MSc
Mirjana Mosić, MSc
Mihajlo Jakanovski, MSc
Nikola Horvacki, MSc

© 2024 Innovative center of the Faculty of Chemistry Belgrade Ltd.